Would you like to stay updated on the latest information about running a business in Norway?
Download our Guide for entrepreneurs in Norway
The only such publication on the Norwegian market. Condensed know-how on how to run Norwegian companies and branches of foreign companies in Norway.
A complete guide about accounting and financial management regulations and taxation in Norway in one plac. All important topics stored in easy to read file which you can go back to whenever you want.
Are you planning to open a Norwegian Limited Liability company – Aksjeselskap?
Have you got
an assignment in Norway?
Should you open a Nrowegian Registered Foreign Business (NUF)?
This is the easiest way to get the answers to many of your questions:
⇒ Is it necessary to register in the Nrowegian VAT-Register?
⇒ Where should advances for Norwegian wages be paid?
⇒ What about you employees health insurance in Norway?
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